Considering COVID-19

by Adam Delezenne

Like many others serving Detroit’s communities, we are concerned by the risk of sickness and the potential fallout related to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are monitoring this evolving situation and continuing to discern our response as the situation changes. Any closures or changes to our schedule will be announced on our website as soon as possible.

We intend to continue operating our clinics and serving our clients as long as it is safe to do so. As long as the courts continue to be in session, our clients do not have the option to postpone their needs as so we will make every effort to be present as we have for the past five years.

Our concern is for the health of the most vulnerable among us. We hope to do what we can to slow the spread of the disease as much as possible. If more widespread closures are called for by the local or federal government or if the spaces where our clinics are housed choose to close, then we will probably suspend our operation as well.

We are also taking precautions in the clinics:

  • We are wiping down tables and chairs with disinfectant before starting the clinic each day.
  • We will attempt to keep hand sanitizer available for clients, volunteers, and staff as we meet together.
  • We are advocating that everyone minimize physical contact: please don’t be offended if we don’t shake your hand!

We wholeheartedly encourage everyone to take precautions and take care of their health. If you feel sick, please do not come in. Wash hands frequently and be mindful of where you touch. Cover coughs and sneezes. Practice “social distancing” as you are able.

All indications are that this will be with us for a while. As testing ramps up in the United States, we need to take care of each other and act out of an abundance of caution.

Photo by Allie Smith on Unsplash

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