Client Story: Pierina

Pierina had a long journey to seek asylum in the US. We are proud to be able to help her continue.

Client Stories: Daris & Family

Daris and her family have been through a lot. We’re advocating for mercy and compassion for this family.

Client Story: Antonio

We celebrate with this family, reunited in time for the holidays!

New Hope Church Stepped In to Make a Difference for Our Clients

by Adam Delezenne New Hope Presbyterian Church approached us with the desire to make a direct impact on the lives of our clients. This faith community based in Southfield, Michigan, shares a deep concern for mission in communities around Metro-Detroit. They knew that we worked with some of the most vulnerable persons in the Detroit area and wanted to help.. …

Client Stories: Family Issues

The pandemic has been affecting us all. Many immigrant families have felt it worse than others and the stress comes out in surprising ways.

A Slow Moving Disaster

For the past two years we’ve been fighting for a group of clients caught up in an ICE raid with the support of partners like PDA.

Client Story: Verónica

Verónica’s story is one of persistence and our clients holding us accountable.

Clinic Story: Gloria and her Son

Our client stories are complex and simple. For Gloria, immigration policy has collided with her need to be with her dying son.

Mayra; Released from Detention

She was arrested at her place of work and released after a couple days in detention because she had an attorney intervene.